How to Get Rid of Freckles and Dark Spots Tips From Ashi Beauty Corner in Pakpattan City

Freckles are round and small brown spots that appears on face due to different reasons. According to a research freckles are a sign of skin damage. The major causes of freckles include genetics, hormonal imbalance and sunlight. Whatever the reason is freckles on face ruined the beauty of women.
Cosmetic surgery is one of treatment to remove freckles, but this is expensive and everyone can not afford it. At the same time nature provides remedies that your can follow and get rid from freckles.
Apple Juice

One of the effective remedy to get rid from freckles is mix together 1 tsp apple juice, ¼ tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp rose water, and ¼ tsp turmeric. Apply this solution on your face before sleep and stay the whole night. Rinse off in the morning. If you find it difficult to keep it on face whole night then apply twice a day for 10 minutes on face, after that wash the face.
Sour Milk/Butter Milk

Wash your face with sour milk/butter milk; lactic acid in sour milk helps to reduce freckles and dark spots from face without leaving skin dry or itchy.
Lemon Skin

Lemon is one of the best weapon against freckles and dark spots. Take a lemon from which lemon juice is squeezed; gently rub it on freckles and dark spots. In this way you will get quickly good result. But remember don’t go in sunlight after applying it because lemon makes your skin sensitive so it can leave negative effect.
Almond Paste

Grind 2 almonds and mix it with 1 egg white along ½ tsp lemon juice. Apply it on your face when you feel your skin is getting dry. Gently scrub it from face. It will help to remove dark spots and freckles; also it gives a nice glow to skin.
Vitamin C

Add vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is good source to get a flawless skin. Eat such vegetables and fruits those are loaded with vitamin C.
Sour Cream

Sour cream is also considered good for tackling with freckles and dark spots. Apply it on face for 10 minutes and don’t remove it directly instead use tissue paper for removing sour cream. If your skin is oily then first apply lemon juice on your skin and then application sour cream.

Fruit Mask

Try to treat your skin with fruit mask. Use homemade fresh fruit mask otherwise you can also use shop fruit mask.
Red Onion

Red onion is also effective in removing dark spots and freckles. Take a slice of red onion and softly massage it on spot for 5 minutes. Repeat process daily. Continues process will dull and then finally vanish the freckles and dark spots.

You can also get benefit from honey to treat freckles and dark spots. For this warm honey and mix lemon juice in it. Apply honey mixture on dark parts. After a few days you will notice a clear and smooth skin.

Papaya is also good when it comes to get rid of freckles. Apply fresh papaya juice on freckles with help of cotton ball twice a day. Continue until freckles completely remove from skin.

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